Friday, November 18, 2011

everything will be okay

At times...I dont want to get out of bed, I dont want to get ready, I dont want to go to work, I dont want to be around anyone, I just want to hide away from everyone and everything. Letting go of someone you once thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with is really hard. The thought of what I wish we could have been runs through my head daily. I know that's not what I should be doing, but i can't help it. I know its not about what could have been because thats not reality. Together was not what we thought it would be nor what we wanted it to be. People say we will both be happier and its just the right thing to do... but its hard to see myself being truly happy again. I do tell myself these things....."I'll be happier when its all done and over with," "I know its the right thing for all of us" but do i really feel that way? I dont know that I'll be happier, I just hope that I will be. All I can say is that everything will be okay for tayzli and I. Life will work out and I will try to live my life to the fullest no matter what is going on.
 I realize I am overly dramatic with my blogging lately. There are a lot worse things that could be happening in my life. People go through this every single day. When I blog, is when I'm at my worst. Im really not miserable every second of the day. I'm doing okay, just struggling. I have great friends. I have an amazing family. I know that. I just like to let out my feelings, I used to hold them in too long and realized it was bad because I would let it all build up inside me until i'd just lose it. Well let me tell you right now, I am NOT going to lose it. I have so much going for me if i can keep it together.
Love this quote. I know I'm a strong person, I just have weak moments. I know I need to stop listening to the opinion of others and not let it bother me. Everyone struggles, everyone is going through somethinig and I know even I need to remind myself of this. Dont judge people because you really dont know what they are going through. I think we need to all reach out to someone, surround yourself with happy people. Be with people that are going to bring out the positive in your life and be a good influence to you. And in that good influence on someone. Be someone's positive energy in their life. We all need it.

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